Shark Steam Mop Reviews

Common Complaints about the Shark Steam Mop


Shark Steam Mop
If you have researched the Shark Steam Mop for purchase at all, you might have noticed a trend when it comes to the Shark Steam Mop reviews. A lot of the reviews are negative.

It seems that the Shark Steam Mop has some flaws when it comes to it's design and performance which has lead to disappointment for many consumers who have purchased it. 


Steam Mops that are Better Options than the Shark:

Haan Slim and Light

Eureka Enviro Steamer

Haan Steam Mop

Monster Steam Mop
Here are some of the top complaints in Shark Steam Mop reviews:


Flimsy Design – Many consumers have complained in their Shark Steam Mop reviews that the mop has a very flimsy design.


Handle Breaks Easily – I read so many reports of handles breaking on the Shark Steam Mop that I lost count. The problem is so prevalent, they actually sell handle replacement kits. The problem seems to support the many reviews from customers who said that the Shark Steam Mop had a flimsy design.


Small Water Tank – Another very common complaint about the Shark Steam Mop was it's small water tank. The Shark has one of the smallest water tanks of any steam mop with a ten ounce capacity. This can be an inconvenience for anyone using it that has to cover more than just a small area since you will have to stop for frequent refilling.


Doesn't get hot enough to sanitize. This is probably one of the most shocking things about the Shark Steam Mop. Although it gets hot enough to help get some grimy spots on clean, if you are hoping for a mop that gets hot enough to sanitize your floors too, the Shark is not the best option. Check out the Haan Slim and Light, Eureka Enviro Steamer, or Monster Steam Mop instead.


This doesn't apply to the Shark Pocket Steam Mop, only the original Shark Steam Mop. The Shark Pocket received higher reviews than it's predecessor.  If you want to purchase a Shark Steam Mop, I recommend purchasing the Shark Pocket instead of the original.



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